Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blogger Indonesia Fashion Week 2013

In the middle of the night, i've got an email!

Yes, I am the one of Official Bloggers for Indonesia Fashion Week 2013! Uh, so excited!
I will report you about Indonesia Fashion Week 2013. So, you can check this blog. See you :D

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  1. Hi Della,

    I adore your blog, it's so inpirational for girls who wears hijab! Let me introduce myself, my name is Athaya S from IdiosyncraStyle and I am one of the official blogger for Indonesia Fashion Week and I would love to get to know other blogger. Hit me up on my twitter @ash5_ and I'd love to see you there! :)

    Athaya S

    1. Thank you Athaya! Sorry for the late reply. Maybe later we'll meet in another event. Nice to know you and your blog, i like your style btw ;)


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